
atomneb is a library written in Python for reading atomic data from a database containing atomic data stored in the Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) file format for collisionally excited lines and recombination lines typically observed in spectra of ionized gaseous nebulae. The AtomNeb database were generated for use in pyEQUIB, proEQUIB, and other nebular spectral analysis tools.

Collisional Excitation Unit

AtomNeb for collisionally excited lines contains sets of atomic datasets, which include energy levels (Ej), collision strengths (Ωij), and transition probabilities (Aij) of the most ions commonly observed in ionized nebulae.

The atomic datasets for collisionally excited lines are as follows:

Each dataset contains the following atomic data FITS files: AtomElj.fits for Energy Levels (Ej), AtomOmij.fits for Collision Strengths (Ωij), and AtomAij.fits for Transition Probabilities (Aij).

Recombination Unit

AtomNeb for recombination lines contains sets of effective recombination coefficients (αeff) of recombination lines of H I, He I, He II, C I, C II, C III, C VI, N II, N III, N IV, N V, N VI, N VII, O II, O III, O IV, O V, O VI, O VIII, and Ne II ions typically observed in ionized nebulae, as well as Branching ratios (Br) of O II and N II lines.

The atomic datasets for recombination lines are as follows: